Blog Response Structure

Dear Students,

This website and blog platform is designed to enhance and extend the learning experience within our class. As you begin to engage with the material found on the site, there are a few simple structural requirements you must follow when submitting a blog post. Below you will find the structure that is essential to ensuring that our responses are organized.

Mr. Miller



Dear _____________,

Body of response.

Your Name

31 thoughts on “Blog Response Structure

  1. Dear Mrs. Halloran, Hello! I hope that you are doing as well as I am! Anyways, I have a question. I had gotten your e-mail (well, actually my Mother had recived it, but that`s besides the point), and the e-mail had stated that online learning classes would start on April 13th, 2020. My question is will the learning classes have ALL subjects that we would address in Cognitiveunderstandia? Such as science and E.L.A? I hope to see your response soon.
    Sincerely, Jordan Caceres

    1. Dear Jordan,
      It is so nice to hear that you are doing well and I appreciate you taking the time to write to me. In regards to your question, on April 13th, we’ll begin utilizing “Microsoft Teams” as our digital learning environment and “yes” we will be addressing all subject areas within that platform. You are welcome to continue communicating with your classmates and use the resources provided on our class website. Mr. Miller added an “Exploration of Thought” link for those students interested in engaging in writing and sharing thoughts. If you post your thoughts in the “Feedback” center, we’ll engage in the feedback loop. You may want to check it out. However, all assignments will be posted on Microsoft Teams and activity on our class website is only by choice, if you would like to challenge yourself.
      Stay well,
      Mrs. Halloran

  2. Dear Mrs Halloran,
    Can you please manage my raz kids account? I have read all the books and would like to continue.


    1. Dear Miranda,
      Good afternoon. I hope you and your family are well. I will certainly manage your Raz-kids account and appreciate your diligence.
      Mrs. Halloran

  3. Dear Mrs. Halloran and Mr. Miller,

    Since we didn’t receive packets, what should we address while we’re at home?


    1. Dear Miranda,
      It’s nice to hear from you and I appreciate you taking the time to inquire about learning opportunities. As of now, Mr. Miller and I need wait for directives from the district in order to move forward. However, as a life-long learner, you are welcome to address any resources you feel will best support your growth.
      Mrs. Halloran

  4. Dear Mr.Miller, I hope you have enjoyed your Martin Luther King day; one of your concepts that stuck with me was how you planted mistakes on purpose for us to point out . Though my teachers this year aren’t exactly flattered when I correct them they have adjusted to it and it has even started to rub off on some of peers from the other schools\Classes. Your inspirational speeches that would personally motivate me to try harder to be able to meet dead lines which I have been food with this year.That has effected my overall grades positively for all of my subjects my averages have gone up at least 10 points since last year which I would like to thank you for because we’re the one inspired me and gave me the tools to to be on assignments and tests.
    Best of wishes, Yousef Elmasri

    1. Dear Yousef,

      Throughout the course of your fifth grade academic year, you demonstrated the mindset and conviction that will serve you well in every aspect of your journey. As such, I am pleased that you are continuing to find elements embedded in your fifth grade experience useful in developing as a life-long learner. While I extend my appreciation for your kind words, you are to commend yourself for shifting your perspective and truly making the most of your sixth grade academic experience. Continue being a dynamic learner that makes positive strides by finding purpose and meaning in all that you engage. Thanks for taking the time to share your growth; it is very much appreciated.

      All the Best,
      Mr. Miller

  5. Dear Mr.Miller,
    I hope you have enjoyed your academic year so far, as I have, through your processes you have offered to us such as taking notes while reading and or studying. We have began reading the novel A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park, while taking notes and using the tools offered by my language arts teacher I am able to get the best out of my reading. My first few writing pieces this year are some of my finest so far in my academic career, by not using the word “got” and having interesting topic sentences. One of the seventh and eighth grade language teachers also forbids the use of “got” along with the word “like” which I think would be also a good idea to get rid of in cognitiveunderstandia. I was wondering if maybe the new citizens of Astuteformulationbandashire would be willing to share facts they we have both collected in order for both of us to have a deeper understanding of Mae Jemison. Enjoy the holidays and until January goodbye.

    Sincerely, Yousef Elmasri

    1. Dear Yousef,

      Your dedication to our site continues to be impressive. It is that dedication that affords you the opportunity to enjoy your sixth grade experience while achieving success. Your suggestion regarding the word “like” is an idea I would “like” to employ within writing, as it will certainly give the writer a chance to be specific about the detail they are offering. As we proceed through the year, I am certain that the citizens of Astuteformulationbandashire will build upon the successes achieved by the founding members. To that end, I would imagine you will see elements of understanding on the website by mid January.

      All the Best,
      Mr. Miller

  6. Dear Mr.Miller
    I’m once again writing to thank you for giving me the tools to get through middle school. I have recently been selected as a Raider Ambassador along with my Fellow Supreme Court Justice of last year. Which I BELIEVE means I will be giving you a tour of the building in June which I look forward too. I want to try to post on the website at least once a month. Enjoy your Veterans Day.
    Sincerely Yousef Elmasri

    1. Dear Yousef,

      Congratulations on your selection to the Raider Ambassador program. I am not surprised, as you have always exhibited the attributes of a leader. I look forward to the tour in a June and your continued dedication to our blog.

      All the Best,
      Mr. Miller

  7. Dear mr. miller,

    unfortunately, i can’t run because i am not prepared enough in addition, in the future i will be more prepared for the next election and will hopefully run.

    sincerely ,
    Nikolas u.

  8. Dear Mr.Miller,

    I’m writing to thank you for giving me the inspiration to study, challenge myself and overall become a better student. On my first math and science quizzes I scored 100s, for my first social study test I scored a 97 and for my S.R.I I scored 1169. I now see why you challenged us, so that middle school would be a walk in the park.

    Sincerely, Yousef

    1. Dear Yousef,

      Once again, I thank you for expressing your kind words on this platform. Your reflective thoughts exemplify the most important facet of being a lifelong learner. By placing those ideas on this platform you offer an opportunity for others to be influenced by your thoughtful reflection. Congratulations on your success thus far; however, I am certain that it is only the beginning of the achievement you will attain and the successful endeavors you will embark upon.

      All the Best,
      Mr. Miller

  9. Dear Mr.Miller

    The first and second day of school were very different from the classes I’ve been in. For example, we put our down are flags instead of raising our hand. In addition, I liked how we had the opportunity to communicate with others and listen to their various ideas. Thank you for giving me an enjoyable start to the year.

    Emily Varghese

  10. Dear Mr.Miller,

    I saw the website. I think making the question and comment page will help everyone interact with each other. I watched one of the math video’s on your site explaining how to decompose a number. It was very informational. Thank you Mr.Miller.

    Emily Varghese

  11. Dear Mr Miller,
    This is Yousef from last years class, I had arrived back from Egypt yesterday afternoon. While I was in Egypt I was comparing the facts from the mummy document and the facts from our visit the Vanderbilt estate. I was comparing said facts to my aunts and uncles and it turns out most of the time mummies spend ninety-five days instead of the normal ninety days it would normally take. I Also used other tools you taught me for reading because I was attempting to Learn how to right Arabic, I remember you talking about stamina and how reading longer every night. When I was reading one of the nights I saw a fact about chess. So I decided to research it and the phrase “checkmate” came from the old Arabic word “chehmah” which means “the king is dead”.
    Last school year I was given lots of opportunities for learning, some of the opportunities I capitalized on and some I didn’t for example making the state Astutformulationbandashire along Marcuso and Gina, was one of the accomplishments I’m more proud of.
    Most importantly you are the person who gave me those opportunities so for that, I thank you


    P.S I would have wrote sooner but for some reason it wasn’t working, Im pretty sure it had something to do with me going out of country.


    1. Dear Yousef,

      Thank you for the kind words. I am glad to know that you applied elements of your school year to your amazing experience in Egypt. I wish you the best in all your future endeavors. I am certain you will excel.

      All the Best,
      Mr. Miller

  12. Dear Mr. Miller,
    Hi Mr. Miller!!!! How are you? I’m ready to be quizzed on the presidents and the states and their capitals.

    Michael Russell

    1. Dear Michael,

      Pleased to know you will be taking on the challenge to build your knowledge of the States and Capitals, as well as, the Presidents of the United States. Your efforts will certainly pay dividends as we progress throughout the academic year.

      Mr. Miller

  13. Dear Mr.Miller,

    Hi, it’s Gina from class. I enjoy going on this website and looking at all the resources you have for your students to learn. I am looking forward to seeing you and starting the trout tomorrow! Have a good day!

    Gina Fox

    1. Dear Gina,

      I am pleased to know you are looking to challenge yourself by participating in trout. It will require quite a bit of dedication and commitment on your part; however, I am sure you will find great success with the endeavor.

      Mr. Miller

  14. Dear Mr. Miller,
    Hi, This is Gabriella from class. I really love going on this website and looking at all of the things you have on your website. I can’t wait to work on the trout tomorrow. Can’t wait to see u tomorrow!!
    Sincerely, Gabriella

    1. Dear Gabriella,

      Glad to know that you are exploring the website and finding it useful. In addition, I am pleased that you are attempting to challenge yourself by taking on the responsibility of raising trout; I am sure you will find it to be a great learning opportunity.

      Mr. Miller

  15. Dear Mr.Miller,

    From the measurement document from today I’ve seen that I need help with it so I’ve decided to come in for extra help tomorrow. How does 8:30 sound? I want to do the next document for measurement so I can understand the concept better and to be able to participate in tomorrows Fish Thicket field trip. I’ve also been preparing myself with studying Lichens with their names. I hope that is okay for you.

    Lily Castro

  16. Dear Mr Miller

    I really loved the longitude and latitude homework. I hope we get more longitude and latitude homework .

    Sincerely ,

  17. Dear Mr.Miller

    I am very proud to be in such a class like yours I am truly learning a lot and I can’t wait to see where this year brings me and enjoy you night or day 🙂

    Amaan Sandal

  18. Dear Mr.Miller,

    I watched a video on youtube about surface tension, in the video the man did the drops of water on a penny experiment. The man received a total of 32 drops of water, but I noticed that when the water fell off the penny the water was still connected to each other.

    Isabelle Baginski

  19. Dear Mr.Miller,

    I was looking at the Homework page and I saw something about the Geography Club. I was wondering when will you being looking for students to join?

    Isabelle Baginski

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