5 thoughts on “Classification of Organisms

  1. Dear Mr. Miller and Peers,
    I’ve really been researching Zebra Finches lately and found some information that gave me a bit of a shock. What I found was something I was searching for Monday, January 5, 2018 how to classify the gender of a Zebra Finch. The White Zebra Finch we own is a girl from what I researched on Google. I feel like I really dug deeper into this idea.
    Zebra Finch Scientific Classification
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chodata
    Class: Aves
    Order: Passeriformes
    Family: Estrildidae
    Genus: Taeniopygia
    Scientific Name: Taeniopygia Guttata
    Species One: Taeniopygia Guttata Guttata
    Species Two: Taeniopygia Guttata Castanotis
    I hope this helped you in understanding the taxonomy of Zebra Finches.

    Lily Castro

    1. Dear Lily,

      Thank you for sharing your understanding of taxonomy. I’m curious about the differences that exist between species one and species two.

      Mr. Miller

  2. Dear peers,

    I was researching mnemonic devices that are used for taxonomy and I found out through research that before Kingdoms there is Domain.So I wanted to know what it is and if we’ll use it.Anyway, back to mnemonic devices, one that I found helpful was “King Phillip called one faithful German servant”.So I hope this will help some of you remember Taxonomy.

    Isabelle Baginski

  3. Dear Sam,

    Where did you find the classification challenge?
    Please try to respond on the blog.Thank you.

    Isabelle Baginski

  4. Dear Mr. Miller,
    I remembered how the other day you spoke about taxonomy, so I decided to read about it on the blog. I took the classification challenge and did pretty well. I can’t wait to learn more about taxonomy in class.

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