
5 thoughts on “Experiments

  1. Dear Mr. Miller
    I had a question about the surface tension experiment we did today. When I went, At about 15 drops the penny was completely filled with drops of water. But I made it to 26 drops of water! How is that possible? Was it because of the tension or something else you may have not mentioned. I had a lot of fun with this and hope to get an answer soon!

    Kiersten Schafer

    1. Dear Kiersten,

      Just like every scientist, the experiment you have engaged has opened up a variety of questions. As you continue your trials within the experiment, I am certain you will be able to connect your reading, notes and experiment in a way that will extend your understanding and provide you with an answer to your question. Thank you for making your thinking visible to your peers through your post.


  2. Dear Mr. Miller and Peers,

    I’ve been doing a little research on Albert Einstein and I came across one of the things he wrote. In his four page article, named Annus Mirabilis on his second page, he stated why tiny particles in a fluid move around in random, weird ways. It also said that this phenomenon was known as Brownian motion. I had the question, in our an Non-Newtonian Fluid, are there particles in the fluid moving?

    Issac Varghese

  3. Dear Mr. Miller,
    On the experiments page on the blog , I was wondering if there is anything on that page that tells us about experiments that will be happening later in the year?
    Anthony Jean-Baptiste

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