Flame Challenge

Stony Brook University

Center for Communicating Science

About the Challenge

2016 Flame Challenge Winner:

The 2015 Flame Challenge Question:

What is sleep ?



2014 Flame Challenge Winner



2013 Finalist: What is time ? 

27 thoughts on “Flame Challenge

  1. Dear Mr. Miller,
    My vote for the 2016 flame challenge is, what is gravity?
    Anthony Jean-Baptiste

  2. Dear Mr.Miller,

    I watched the flame challenge video and it was interesting
    to watch. I feel the question I would like to be addressed is
    ” what is sound”. I chose this question because one time years
    ago in my past classes they have taught me a very little idea on
    sound and they left me wondering more about sound. I feel this
    topic would get me to lead to other questions in the subject

    Justin Schlendorf

  3. Dear Mr. Miller,
    I liked the questions for the flame challenge and I liked how the video was really cool. Although we could only pick one question I thought the question should be “what is sound”? I thought that the question should be “what is sound” because sometimes when you hear things you wonder what is sound? You might also wonder “how do we hear things”? That’s because when you think up of a question that question might lead you to other questions.

  4. Dear Class
    I would like to say that I made a mistake in my last blog I forgot a period in my last sentence
    Sincerely Jacob

  5. Dear Peers and Mr. Miller,
    I noticed a mistake in my last comment on the Flame Challenge page.In sentence number one and word 4 I spelled joining incorrect.I spelled joing instead of joining.I apologize for that and will improve my spelling throughout the future.

  6. Dear ,Mr. Miller

    For the flame challenge I liked the what is sleep video I thought it was funny


  7. Dear Mr. Miller
    I would like to express interest in the 2015-2016 flame challenge. I would like to vote for the category what is electricity. I’ve always wondered what electricity came from and break it down so I can further my understanding of something I use every day thank you
    Sincerely Jacob

  8. Dear Mr.Miller,

    I would like the question for the flame challenge to be, what is water.


    Justin Schlendorf

  9. Dear Mr.Miller and classmates,

    I would like to point out my mistake on my previous statement. I would like to point out how I did not sign off my statement with “Sincerely, Sophia Salamone”. My apologies I will prevent this mistake in the future.

  10. Dear Mr.Miller
    I made a mistake in paragraph 1, sentence 2 and word 10 . I capitalized the t in they.

  11. Mr. Miller,

    I would like to participate in the flame challenge because I love science and think it will be interesting and fun.

    Devin Andrade

  12. Dear Mr.Miller
    I would like to join the flame challenge because I’m not the greatest in science and I would like to improve in science. Also I want to do the flame challenge because This will be a challenge for me.

  13. Dear Mr.Miller,
    I am interested in joing the flame challenge because I like science and especially if were doing an experiment.I think it would be a great experience for me to learn more about science.

  14. Dear Mr.Miller,

    I would like to show my interest in doing the flame challenge of 2016. I think the flame challenge will be a great way to expand my vocabulary in science. Since science is one of my favorite subject, I would be so exited to join.

  15. Dear Mr.Miller,

    I would like to inform you I am interested in the flame challenge. Science is my favorite
    subject and if there is anything to do with science I will try my best in what to do. So when you
    get the questions may you please send them to me. Tomorrow I will come into extra help at 8:00
    and then at 8:30 I have to go to band so if I could do some trout club work before band that would
    be good for me.


    Justin Schlendorf

  16. Dear Mr.Miller,
    I saw the presintaion for the flame challange questions for this year and the one that have made me think is : What is sleep? The reason why I believe that we should do that particular question is because no body really would know how sleep is made. What makes you sleep is by you getting tired… but why do you sleep for that long of time. What does your body do when your sleeping?
    Gianna Sacco

  17. Dear Mr.Miller,

    In class you answered my Flame Challenge question so I thank you for that,so I would like to change my question. My new question for the Flame Challenge contest is “What is sleep?”. My reason for choosing this question is, everyone needs sleep but how do we sleep. How do we go into a stage where you can’t hear anyone and when you wake up you feel like nothing happened, you don’t remember anything.That is why I chose this question and I hope these questions will be answered during the scientist video.

    Isabelle Baginski

  18. Dear Mr.Miller

    For the flame challenge question choices I think it should be what is wind .
    I think it should be what is wind because I really like to know some more information about it.

  19. Dear Mr.Miller,

    I forgot to say why I chose my question the reason why I chose to ask this question is because, I would like to learn why is there wind? How does wind form? I hope the scientist would answer this question.

    Isabelle Baginski

  20. Dear My Peers working on the Flame Challenge,
    I believe that the best question would be, “What is sleep?”. I chose this question because even though everybody does it, not many people (including me) don’t know how exactly sleep works.
    Samuel Lorenzo

    1. Dear everybody,
      I noticed that in my last comment, I typed my explanation with incorrect grammar. It should be “not many people (including me) know how exactly sleep works.”
      Samuel Lorenzo

  21. Dear Mr.Miller,

    I made my decision and the question I would like to have the scientist answer in the flame challenge is “What is wind”

  22. Dear Mr.Miller,

    I have a question about the elections, when will you talk about them again I would really like to get some more information about the elections?

    Isabelle Baginski

  23. Dear Mr. Miller,
    I also watched the Flame Challenge videos too, and they where very entertaining to me.
    How would we be voting? online or in class.
    Gianna Sacco

  24. Dear Mr. Miller,
    I watched the Flame challenge videos and they were very entertaining.
    About the voting, what time of year do we vote for the Flame challenge winner?
    Samuel Lorenzo

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